Discussion in 'Wars' started by Babyrose, Jun 27, 2014.

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  1. Couples:
    Blowin-asian_babe: 790k/275k
    Clayjunior: 903k /793k

  2. Single's Side
    1 281 144 / 295 520
  3. Wh at clayjunior said 
  4. this kinda looks like BOS thread
  5. Please do not forget to post your time zones when u sign up for couples/singles club ?
  6. Both of us are SGT-zone
  7. There's something very familiar about all this
  8. Yeah. As soon as people started going on about was (me) and bashing cc clubs (me) and challenging SU to war (me) these threads started appearing 
  9. My self -D2G-Country-Brisingr and my date -D2G-iLauraNeedDailyAirRefills. For couples side
  10. Jai put me on the first page Got to love dedicated women am I right! Times zone Alaska Standard TIme zone
  11. Signing up for a friend.

    Name : Effervescence
    Singles Club
    Str : 1.2m Int : 774
    GMT 8.00
  12. Don't bother signing up if you're taking the same gender ~ you'll have to get permission first. ️ what a joke.
  13. So I heard you can't go with someone of the same gender? Is that true.
  14. ️ have to get " permission " to go with someone of same gender.
  15. In my pm. I asked Rosie .. She said " I'll have to ask my team members, and get back to you tomorrow" I just said " forget it, we won't join."
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