Your wish has been granted. You own a home on the monopoly board I wish I could have the energy of my kids
Your wish has been granted. You live your full life alone and die alone too. I wish it was 78 degrees all year round with blue skies and a breeze
Your wish has been granted but it's an $50 lottery. I wish I was always squeaky clean so i wouldn't have to shower everyday :|
Your wish is granted But that 25¢ turns liquid hot the second u go to use it. I wish I had a pony locked in an unbreachable facility with only food and air.
Your wish has been granted. Your life will become beautiful eventually so don't stop dreaming Omar. I wish somebody would help me post my lockscreen ss on the lock screen/wallpaper thread. If you ask me why I can't do it myself it's because pimd disabled my ability to post pics so yeah.