[CONTEST] Video Guide to PIMD

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Oct 16, 2014.

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  1. Very interesting. Maybe I will use my video production class to my advantage. #CollegeBound
  2. Who wanna act with me? ?
  3. Wow! Those are great prizes!!! Good luck to everyone who will join!
  4. @Pimd

    Update the fan kit please  I can't keep up with having to go to online forums , and saving the images to add it to the fan kit
  5. Pimd this will go a lot better if you just give me first prize right now :) heck ill even throw in some rp.
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  6. Damn pimd is "forcing" me to make videos on a 3rd party app lol
    the ecs...the dns....the avatars.....the cats....the bikinis
    Will I win i also win u lot of subscribers?
  7. You could lcbc with those rewards
  8. This should be interesting
  9. 10× cats And Bikinis :0 omg this is.... Chamce to Be LcBc. WHOSE IN? :_
  10. Clarify existing....only ones in the store?
  11. geez first place prizes though!
  12. I hope my video doesn't suck
  13. Any avatar that's ever been in PIMD.
    We'll post a list with pictures and stats near the end of the event so the winner can make their choice.
  14. If I was to win id totally pick your avatar pimd 
  15. Clever. Get the pimd community to do your dirty work. Nice prizes though.

    Heres a few facts, ata realizes that it loses a lot of players early on. Ata wants those players to keep interest so it can increase its customer base. Instead of doing the work themselves (because theyre busy working on that relationship crap) they make a contest with an insanely awesome first price. Larger customer base = more profit = higher longevity of pimd.

    I vote for Wolf.
  16. I had made a video about a year back about PIMD. Do I get some credit for it?
  17. Welcome to party In my Dorm! Go to dorm on your profile page, then select t4, 16 mill crews up graded them all to level 4, then when you done that fill half crew up to t5, then the other half t6 !
  18. Any avatar oh my gosh 
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