... that is the url of my video for the video contest of course. Sometimes the video doesnt play to the other mobile devices. but you can watch it using your pc or laptop it is the most easy way. thanks !
for those who will watch those videos to be honest there is really a can only upload the video using pc or laptop cause when i used my mobile to upload it,it takes me 6hrs.others cant search or see the videos. better use pc or laptop to watch. sometimes it says the video is unavailable -_______-"
chidi getting many votes from her club mates, honestly it has too much reading, its boring. Lighten it up a bit, stick some justin bieber in the background
@Helena Just post your video already, it will probably be **** but stop with all these crap images, just send. You wanted to email them too so to save the embarrassment just send.
Yeah barcodescanner it will suck for sure , not really having energy with this coldness ? but I felt like just posting a picture as a progress mark and my private message to pimd through feedback was personal and they managed to reply back to me , not teasing or anything lol
I like chidis video though some parts were lacking, she still did a good job and votes don't count either if people do post "I vote for ___"
@30Loves That video was just pure ****. The music sucked, the lighting sucked. Next time get better music and buy a lightbulb