[CONTEST] Video Guide to PIMD

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Oct 16, 2014.

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  1. they created the game they can allow and not allow whatever they want, you dont like it tough shit youre a piece of sand on the beach. nothing to them.
  2. posted links some are good some are bad
    but at rose bruhhh where are exactly your tips you are saying the things in tutorial pimd gives us and in the msg they send us when we join
    the color of ur text is also unclear tbh if i saw ur video before joining pimd i wouuldnt evenn try it ill just delete and move on
  3. Whaaaa cool kaw girl avatar with no stats
  4. I wanna upload mine?
    But if I do it will slow my net down?
    I'll do i later
  5. alright so this is really my link sorry just knew how to do it but hope I win

  6. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TeaRBL4CtZY

    so sorry I have been posting this last night cause I'm really not sure but here it is my linkHOPE U LIKE AMD SUPPORT IT!

    P.S. I just used my iPhone'S account because it has bigger stats than my iPads soooo... I just video it here and then posted it on youtube! I HOPE I WIN thank u
  7. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qIPZcIqqObU

    I use my iPhone cause its more stronger than my iPod  so pls help me or support pls click like also in my video thank you

    P.S i Hope I will Win pls Vote For Me i hope you Like it
  8. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qIPZcIqqObU

    I use my iPhone cause its more stronger than my iPod  so pls help me or support pls click like also in my video thank you

    P.S i Hope I will Win pls Vote For Me i hope you Like it
  9. What is 3rd party app?(⊙o⊙)?
  10. I lost my shit at the soldiers bit
    But nice work on the video, looks nice
  11. Here is my submission

  12. Let's try that again shall we..
  13. Can u unsilenced me if i make a video on this?
  14. hi there  plsVote Me Forum-ActiveTopics-VideoContest-IFratYourMrNiceGuy-WatchMine in Utube pls Click The Link That Is My Main 
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