[CONTEST] Video Guide to PIMD

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Oct 16, 2014.

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  1. Or you'know.. Talk about something relevant or you'know... Start another tread about all your worthless BS. 
  2. That person who previously did it....

    Oh wait it was you snow.
    I must go now, my brain hurts from bitching 
  3. I never talked to you a day in my life before you tried to catfish on the selfie thread.  Say what you'd like but Cherry, Amanda, Joey. Nikki and myself (probably other thread lurkers) know the truth.

    Anywho, pimds probably going to kick me off the thread. 
  4. Frozen watch my video. :lol:
    Omg I just realised how bad it is. ??
  5. I didn't know you already posted the link. What page is it on?
  6. Apparently my link isn't working :shock:
    How do I fix that¿
  7. You don't have it set to mobile so people on phones can't see it D:
  8. Is is worst then the pure BS she comes up with?
  9. How do I do it so mobile devices can see it¿ :(
  10. Maybe look into the videos settings on YouTube?
  11. I did? Can't find anything :cry:
    I'll look again.
  12. I just googled it and it says you have to go to Video Manager and click edit o.o
  13. Where is that? 
  14. I'm not sure 
  15.  Oh my, someone help. :lol:
  16. Some really great entries so far everyone!

    We've updated the first post to include everyone's entries, along with an FAQ section based on what's been asked so far.
  17. Pimd can you help with this?
    My link isn't working when looking on a mobile.
  18. When I quoted your post to list it under the entries, I needed to add a space to either end of the url for it to work.

    You can also try hard cording it by using:
    [url]Your Link here[/url]
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