Posting for ---V_iJeff_TiAmo-Sky--- With Paper Tag With Lights Off xo~iSky aka iPikaPi He rarely comes in Forums
What if I pay a professional to do it for me and put my name beside it? How would you know? I can do that can't I? Cuz there's no way you'd know.
okay I'm gonna YOLO this.. If I fail, I'm gonna be humiliated and probably go cry in a corner.. Fingers crossed
Ahh too big lol well, at least it uploaded! Ignore the mess in the back btw, just went for it with my nieces and nephews after I was done cooking hehe
There are guides for posting anything in forums. Pictures, bb codes, etc. Just look them up... Also, doesn't the original post say "PIMD related" pumpkins? I've seen, like, one... :lol: The entries /are/ good, though!