[CONTEST] PIMD Pumpkin Carving

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Oct 25, 2014.

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  1. Just a note: I think they have to be Pimd related. Like with the Easter eggs. Which means many may have to get new pumpkins as most have carved already lol
  2. How do I post?
  3. Im carving a pumpkin under 30 ft of water?how am i supposed to label it as my name?

    P.S. Im dead serious?
  4. Ooooh. Well my skeleton pumpkin goes with the hunt so that should count?

    And why are you carving under 30ft of water? How does that even happen
  5. He's obviously aquaman.
  6. You know what they say duct tape fixes everything....
    Duct tape do your job


    No he is a slice of bread
  7. Aw we don't carve pumpkins here even though the supermarkets are trying to push pumkin sales :lol: I'd like to carve one but pretty sure it'd look like crap lol
  8. I don't carve pumpkins x) anybody does lol
  9. Where should i send the photo???
  10. We dont have big pumpkn here :(
  11. I dibs that first place
  12. the more time I spend carving pumpkins the less time I will have to play pimd. Can I get somone to carve a pumkin for me?
  13. I've never even seen an orange pumpkin  (on the outside obviously)
  14. This is my first time posting a picture so Im sorry if it fails.

  15. Epic fail again! Last try I promise!

  16. @-AC-You_This_Read_Wrong-

    You need to post your name on a piece of paper next to the pumpkins so they knows it's yours and not some picture from the internet. :)
  17. Is that a pumpkin x)
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