[CONTEST] Most Loved Club!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. It's not PimD most loved club, it's the biggest party club. Smh so disappointed.
  2.  i dont even know most of those clubs. Should be "Best Hunt Club" award. Not best club.
  3. :O that's...

    Funny bow chika wow wow haha

    Welcome :)
  4. Hmm, I saw the club I like the least on there (trying to avoid the word hate lol). Not many good options :-(
  6. Lucky_Seven is good.. well they knows me well and me too ahaha

  7. Sorry pimd

    #Bow. for Mod and CEO
  8. Ahahaha bow bow
  9. Should have a vote for none of the above
  10. Puahahahaha. I just saw the list. The voting system is cool!!! It seems to me the award is achieve by using ec 
  11. My vote is wild angels!
  12. I thought there would be 30. :3
  13. Also system is glitched can vote multiple times if u know how to glitch it epic fail Pimd
  14. Excelsior all the way
  15. There would be if top 30 were in 30 different clubs if u notice there's like 17 clubs because 13 of top 30 are in same club and decided to count vote as same club another epic fail
  16. Excelsior again.....
  17. Selling my vote at 5b dvp wall me to vote for your club 
  18. Yeah Nolan
    I noticed I was able to keep voting lol
    '0 out of 1 Answered'
  19. Vote for Lucky_seven. 