[Contest-ish] New Gifts Ideas!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Mar 13, 2018.

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  1. This is adorable
  2. How about a question mark as a gift for when those players want to know something they can give question mark as a gift with their comments.
  3. Minion: Description, your are my little minion
  4. Portable fan.
    To fan the haters off.

    Treasure chest:
    Somewhere to bury your treasure or feelings.

    Tin can of trio popcorn:
    Because people like to expose their drama in public.

    For the people who get roasted and have no comeback.
  5. Hair Gel : For those people who just got a bit too much craziness

    Collar/leash : Get a handle one yourself please.

    Unicycle : lol wat u clown u

    Doge: bork bork my dude

    Aloe Vera : apply to sick burns (similar to the old burn cream I guess)

    Chicken Drumstick: IM SO HANGRY OMG

  6. Minecraft creeper - when you trying to creep on someone that has an rs.

    Stirring pot - well to stir the pot of course.

    Doghouse - when you’re in trouble
  7. Hello.
    My idea ìs "Cute Monster" If you know Domo Its Seem similar To him but Not Really Like that ;)
    MONSTER in Chini form Or Monster Havaing Different emotion , some of them are Angry/ happy sad surprised.

    -C'mon Guys Lets find The other in the PIMD World!
  8. I think gifts are should be like as inspirational things which motivates new players on pimd so I suggest
    A pimd watch u can put class in them like platinum gold n silver ?
    N these whatches are desined in this manner by which players get to knw hw pimd changes n becoming more active
    I hope u like my idea !!! Thanx ..
  9. julie is that you?
  10. I don't know if a snow globe was ever a gift but if not...

    A snow globe with the quote - life is like a snow globe, often it's prettiest, after it's been turned upside-down.

    It can represent how we all have embraced the people in this game to create wonderful friendships and memories that will last a lifetime!
  11. Rd gift
    Snow ball: description, Your my snow ball
  12. So I'm thinking there should be gifts that are toys that are relevent today such as, squishies, fidget spinners,hatchimals, mystery boxes, etc. Mystery boxes that the person you send it to could open it with a normal key would be cool!
  13. topical gifts are usually available during hunts. I think permanent gifts should last longer.
  14. A sad break up shark. Dressed in pyjamas, with chocolate, wine and a box of tissues and another shark hugging it. Captioned: don’t worry, there’s plenty more people on the land.

    Or a penguin. With his own army regiment. Kind of like Sir Nils Olav his.
  15. A "Shrine/fountain That Flows Glitter on it not water Just A Glitter :)
    "Fountain of Glitter"

    The style was girl made of stone holding a Giant Bucket and Keep flowing The Glitter as water .

  17. Picnic gives like sandwiches, picnic basket, cute ants, apple with a worm, watermelon, ice pops
    Classical gifts: pianos, violins, chellos
    Bath time gifts: rubber duckies, bubbles, shower curtains, bath tubs
    Night time gifts: crescent moon, pjs, pillows, bunny slippers, popcorn
    Fairy gifts: different color fairy’s, or essence
  18. Gifts for all reasons:

    Fun - M
  19. A basket of puppies
    Chicken nuggets
    A gorilla in a thong
  20. I’m not sure if pimd already have these but i would like some:

    - jackie chan’s meme face
    - kim k’s crying face kinda meme too ig
    - peter parker spidey meme
    - nicolas cage meme**
    - or those original meme faces ?

    It would be fun to give these around to friends and other people 
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