[Contest-ish] New Gifts Ideas!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Mar 13, 2018.

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  1. In honor of mr. Steven Hawkins a solar system or star
    I just want to see PIMD's version of Time Turner. And time to bring back some old good stuff of PIMD too.
  3. Fur slides “for the basic b” in your life.
    Can of farts for that guy who keeps farming you.
    Friendship necklace for your in game BFF (preferably two puzzle pieces bcuz baesic”
  4. A roll/sheet of bubble wrap, for those stressful study sessions (or annoying your roommate)
  5. Golden Spatula
  6. Food items!Like pizza, cold coffee, burger, a salad item, etc. Basic need for college students.
  8. Star Sign Based Gifts
    Birth Stone Based Gifts
    Weekdays Name Based Gifts
    Month Name Gifts
    Seasons Named Gifts
  9. Blank Gifts which may turn out to be exciting and that gifts sending limit should be one and receiving limit must also be one only
  10. There must be gifts particularly for tutor and pupil.
  11. New rs gift idea; "Thinking of You" jar.
    It should have colourful notes in it saying appreciative stuff for your rs :)
  12. The useless ticket
    The most you could get with this is ...... Nothing
    Cost will be 500,000
  13. Add more rs colours to dating
  14. Passive aggressive notepads for when you wanna be passive aggressive to them
  15. Burger : Like if someone's hungry , you give him a burger (as gift in pimd).
    Bracelet: Like you give bracelet as a gift to your rs or gf in pimd whom you love the most (do make this gift expensive if you're selecting bracelet as a gift , about in between 2-5B).
    Ring (take this gift seriously and put this gift as rs gift , if you're selecting it bcuz rs gifts are quite less): I myself am choosing this gift to be in rs gifts section bcuz , ring is something personal , Make sure it'd be a diamond ring if you're selecting it.
    Baby Elephant : Just a random gift.
    Please do select one of em.
    THE END
  16. No hopes of winning. Just sick & bored so I decided I'd give it a try & throw some 'drawings' in with it.

    They lame ik ;p


    99¢ Struggle Ramen
    Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner

    Stuffed Dolphin
    I totally didn't bring my childhood stuffed animal to college with me...

    Annoying Alarm Clock
    Hulk smash!!

    Old Stale Pizza
    Uhh...Guys? Why are the olives moving?!

    All the money you spent on these and you have yet to use them

    Highschool Laptop
    Ahh..the memories...

    Boyfriends Hoodie
    It smells just like him...and cheese... and *GAG*
  17. Oh it's so small lmaoooo
  18. It would be best to send this suggestion in the help section. This thread is for new gift ideas :)
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