[CONTEST] Hey, you, want some cats?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kitten, Sep 11, 2017.

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  1. bumping per requestttt
  2. Your ign’s are fairly creative
  3. support
  6. So good ️
  7. ༼ʘ̚ل͜ʘ̚༽
  8. I have another entry: lemme get the pic, don't count me late :(
  9. PIMDkin Spice Spinner Set

    So I came up with the idea last-minute, and ran out of time, so only one thing is colored and actually looks good :( But I still wanted to be counted, so here is my not even half-finished product
  10. What if you’re on a diet though?
  11. One of your friends will still probably force you to get/buy/drink it?
  12. i do try
  13. Yeah I see
  14. such creativity here ?
  15. And you said you couldn't draw ?
  16. O, disappointed I only saw this now and it's the 24th now LOL
  17. still the 23rd for me! you have a few hours ?
  18. That means I can finish my set.......?
  19. Pimd Anniversary Hunt

    Two separate quest lines
    One for Wars and one for parties

    War quest gets fighter avis
    Party quest gets fairy avis

    The hunt will bridge the old PIMD with the new PIMD

    (And people will be able to show off their preferences with cool new avis ^_^)
  20. We can do that Kylie Jenner hunt someone asked for the other day and at the end you get hers and tygas baby as a stat item 
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