[CONTEST]Haunting Party

Discussion in 'Contests' started by QUINN, Oct 8, 2022.

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  1. Good luck everyone 🥳 I've really enjoyed checking out the designs that have been created for this event 🖤
    LadyHekate, CuppaTea, Bhae and 6 others like this.
  2. When will winners be announced?
  3. Today 👀👀👀
    -MoB-Nigma and Witchee like this.
  4. Changeover maybe ? 👁 👁
    -MoB-Nigma likes this.
  5. Well 22nd October is about to end 🥺 who is the winner?
    KingCylie and LadyHekate like this.
  6. Its 22nd October @ changeover 😭 People wanna know! Who won? 🏆
    KingCylie and miniNigma like this.
  7. When will be the result declared?
    People are Excited...

    Will it be there any Tag Or Award Badge for the Winner clubs?
  8. What’s taking so longggg?? I’m so sick of my ava 🤣 come on ppl.
  9. The issue is they didnt say ehat time zone. Its not the 22nd yet in some places still
  10. Guys please keep in mind that they run off of PST time zone so they have quite a bit more hours to go until the end of the 22nd! I’m sure they’ll announce it when they’re done.
    Witchee, Cranberries and Inactive like this.
  11. 22nd October has ended in most places&it’s the start of 22nd October for the rest… so.
  12. While i get you’re all excited to see who won just have some patience it takes time to sort it all out and it will be posted when ready, glad to see everyone so excited about it though ☺️💕
  13. Not all the rest. For me its the 23rd right now. All im saying is the time zone isnt stated so maybe their time zone isnt on the 22nd yet
  14. I think that the issue is, everything on this game tends to run/reset/etc...during "changeover "...so not specifically stated, I think most people thought it would be announced after changeover on the 22nd...just my guess..anyway, good luck to everyone 🦇
    Melanina and lacy like this.
  15. Is it safe to let our club members switch avis back while we wait for results?
    Cranberries and LadyHekate like this.
  16. Did they just forget about it lol?
    Cranberries and LadyHekate like this.
  17. Well it's almost end of the day the 22nd and still nothing 😔 kinda want to switch out of this avi ATA 🥲
  18. Do we have the okay to change our avis? 😅
  19. Sorry for the delay! The winners have been posted on a separate thread! [Link on the banner below.]
    Immortal and Witchee like this.
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