Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Apr 11, 2014.

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  1. Like this
    [ img ]http://imgur.com/Dsmh0Bm[ /img ]
  2. http://i1337.photobucket.com/
  3. Google is NOT your best friend this time.
  4. Lmao soo many epic fail
    Hehe Try to copy the Img link lol
  5. imgur.com/nLiMdGQ

    Need to show the image.
  6. Denok, you got my vote on that last one if my vote counted lol. I like that.
  7. [url=http://i.imgur.com/nLiMdGQ.jpg]http://i.imgur.com/nLiMdGQ.jpg[/url][/
  8. Oh I forgot to put a name on my creation its "easter Girl in the House!" I hope you'll like it.. for more proof photos just reach me..

  9. [​IMG]

    Hope this works lol
  10. [​IMG]

    Hope this works lol
  11. im Still trying god damn D: fucking eggs smashing! Perhaps i should boil them first :cry:
  12. Sam they're meant to be boiled. It'll keep it's structure more.
  13. You don't need to boil the egg:) just blow the yolk out
  14. :roll: got to go buy more eggs now :lol:
  15. ? I can't afford an egg! I spent all my lunch money on hypnocat! 
  16. Testing! Hope it works. /).(\


    Happy Easter everyone! Hope you like my entry.. Good luck! :)
  17. Testing! Hope it works. /).(\


    Happy Easter everyone! Hope you like my entry.. Good luck! :)
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