Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Apr 11, 2014.

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  1. [​IMG]

    Here's my 3rd Entry.
  2. Fyi my egg is pimd inspired by strippers Inc J's : )
  3. hope this one is smaller than the first

  4. I'm not spamming, just trying to resize :( hope it's really smaller this time… ~sigh

  5. that's what I call art there am so jealous now I look at mine that I made and it looks like **** now
  6. there's a lot of nice entries here
  7. Someone Delete That?  Wrong Paste xD
  8. <a href="http://s1350.photobucket.com/user/MountainTop12/media/844BB56F-85CB-46E4-A7BB-7899E0FC8A32_zpsripi20mn.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1350.photobucket.com/albums/p767/MountainTop12/844BB56F-85CB-46E4-A7BB-7899E0FC8A32_zpsripi20mn.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 844BB56F-85CB-46E4-A7BB-7899E0FC8A32_zpsripi20mn.jpg"/></a>
  9. Well that didn't work?
  10. [Imgfithttp://i.imgur.com/dQrHkyO.jpg[/imgfit]

    Happy Easter Guys!
  11. [imgfithttp://i.imgur.com/dQrHkyO.jpg[/imgfit]
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