Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Apr 11, 2014.

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  1. [​IMG]

    I noticed a lot of ppl are just gluing on things so here is mine, its humpty dumpty before he gat cracked :)

  2. [​IMG] egg couple... haven't decorated eggs in a long time.
  3. [​IMG]

    Hope it works this time 
  4. Added the duck egg to my collection along with the cat egg I had posted on page 10.

  5. Try again.

    Added the duck egg to my collection along with the cat egg I had posted on page 10.

  6. Thanks Annie :*

    Now iys the right size, so im gonna redo a couple
  7. Trying again....

    Added the duck egg to my collection along with the cat egg I had posted on page 10.

  8. Bout time. Stupid bb code
  9. ?-Vimzy- I found your eggs on google..just search "Easter eggs sharpies" ?
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