Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Apr 11, 2014.

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  1. Mari's is cute.
  2. @Raven I have princess tattoos from my nieces birthday lol.
  3. Let's try this again..?

  4. Nope. Sorry. I fail.
  5. How do i post the picture?
  6. To learn how to use imgur and post your photos, see my guide here.
  7. Mari thats sooo cute!! I like that its pimd related.
  8. Vim thats very cool!!
  9. Thank you :)
  10. [​IMG]

    ? Thanks for all that you do, PimD.
  11. ? My eggs look so much better than everyone else's.

    ,_, Jk, lulz.
  12. HpnoBunny protesting for more beta wars ?

    Drew it to big on egg tho :cry:

    Effort that counts, right? ?
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