[CONTEST] Design your own Pizza Avatar

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, May 9, 2014.

  1.  Wrong thread
  2. ?? mY pizza cat avatar 
  3. how can i post my creation?
  4. Are the drawing's judgedby art skills?
  5. I'm composing a list right now of avatar drawings I think would be coolest
  6. The list looks good, saw 13... Lots of good female drawings but I wish there were more unique male avatars.

    All of these are of course would be very appropriate for a person of any age to use as an avatar.
  7. [​IMG]" style="max-width: 100%;" />
  8. [​IMG]" style="max-width: 100%;" />
  9. [​IMG]" style="max-width: 100%;" />
  10. Im not sure how you post the picture
  11. So, ima noobie. I would appreciate any help/points possible, I know I'm of topic hut I have no speakers and dunno how to ask for help any other way, thanks. :)
  12. I try to post the pic but cant get in
  13. If like to post my drawing but I'm not sure how >,< it's all so confusing I've never done it before
  14. [img src="http://instagram.com/p/n50ngLTVAk/"] [/img]
  15. I hope theres anime ava in top 10 design later :D :$
  16. Oh my god some one text me
  17. That is cool can I join
  18. Disqualify those who commented only words in the submission thread . Jk

    It's just annoying that people dont know how to follow instructions
  19. I post my anime design...i hope get in top 10