[CONTEST] Design you own Prom Avatar

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. Voting is complete and the winner is:

    They won with 717 Likes.

    Superman had 667 Likes, it was super close.
  2. EWWWWW no, but why!!!!
  3. (─■°─°)─■
  4. PIMD, bae, how much did it win by?
  5. My inner geek dies ?
  6. The smile is so pedo. Bless his heart.
  7. maybe more people will want to RP with me now with that avi. Aw YAAA 
  8. Is DAT Ava gonna be available on DA store
  9. Updated the post with the vote counts.

    The winning submission won with 717 Likes.

    Superman had 667 Likes, it was super close.
  10. I like it. U ppl have some talent for sure 
  11. Awww, so close! Thanks PIMD, can't wait to rp with my new Ava 
  12. How much it it gonna cost when it is available?
  13. Will this be handed out within 48 hours or like 5-7 days?
  14. Since they were both very hi compared to the others maybe the runner up could be purchase able
  15. 1,000 Years Later Still Waiting...
  16. Superman was robbed 
  17. I'm glad he didn't look that good
  18. Superman was awesome!!!! I want a recount ?