[CONTEST] Design you own Prom Avatar

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. Hey pimd^ pick me and ill send you some zolt cola. Ive only got 16$ but ill do some stuffs for junk n cash n stuff.
  2. Aaaaand the submission part of the contest is over guys :)

    Good luck everybody :p
  3. Submissions are now closed!
    Thanks everyone!
    We'll be getting the voting stage up a bit later today!
  4. When you guys giving the avatar won in prom hunt??
  5. Once the art is created and ready to go :)
    We'll post more specifics after voting.
  6. Smh. There were way better drawings then most of those.
  7. (─■°─°)─■Only 9 likes, Huh.
  8. You still got in, Hulk 
  9. What time is deadline here in the Philippines?
  10. Do I have time?

    I want to
  11. This shit is rigged

    Ata discriminated against my snail submission.
  12. So wait, I didn't know I could simply grab a random pic off the net and submit it..

    What I'm trying to say is.. Someone cheated here.. And made it to the next round. Lol. Not cool.
  13. May I ask who do u think cheated?
  14. Superman needs to win!
    Come on guys ?
  15. ?I want superman to win. It's the better one
  16. I wanted the one from roxannarue from page 86 to win :(
  17. Isnt the 2hours over already?

    Yet theres still voting?