I don't think a lot of you guys realize that austinswift's submissions does count as Art. Okay yes he won't get chosen because that counts as copyright and all that crap but what he have done with those pictures is Art. (Unless he didn't add those effects or whatever but let's just say he did.) He turned something that had already existed into his own piece of Art. Listen those pictures could easily be edited but they could also be easily drawn. (Well not easily drawn, it would take quite a bit but you get what I mean.) Art comes in many ways just because you don't deem it so doesn't mean it isn't. To truly appreciate Art, you have to give a chance first. If he didn't add effect to it or he didn't draw it then yes it's not really his Art but it is Art nonetheless. I'm not saying that I approve of this, I'm just saying those pictures count as Art whether it was his to begin with or not.