[CONTEST] Design you own Prom Avatar

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. Just wanted to add my name and add to the background, good luck everyone. Really talented people on here :)

  2. Iseeee cool ava!!!
  3. Sorry for double posting, some ppl say my last post shows up as tiny square..hope this one works 

  4. Yey!!! unnie!!  love it!!! 
  5. Whats up with all the Emo People Drawing Emo Avitars Thats not Attractive wtf Nobody wants that
  6. Ise's entry shall win.

  7. Cutixitin's and Biscuit's as well. ?
  8. <a href="http://s1339.photobucket.com/user/josephmathewbolanos/media/2014-06/20140627_175125_zpsjmziyflw.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1339.photobucket.com/albums/o716/josephmathewbolanos/2014-06/20140627_175125_zpsjmziyflw.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 20140627_175125_zpsjmziyflw.jpg"/></a>
  9.  helping stealth assassin post his work

  10. lol too much emo avatars :| this isnt a anime movie contest
  11. Anime doesn't mean emo though 
  12. Best ava win anyway. :)