[CONTEST] Design you own Prom Avatar

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. Sorry for the spamming.... my bad
  2. I finish it!!!


    With color


    Thanks to darien the blue suit and orange tie works!#california gator.lol
  3. @pimd

    My thinking.

    First of all, for the pizza contest you wrote in there it's for both genders to participate. You also said that we can have 2 avatars (male
  4. Testing 
  5. @pimd


  6. Did we complain as much when only the female avatar won? we let it go quickly. And now you're gonna complain? Making avatars isn't the only thing they work on. It isn't easy. So, enough with the complaints. 
  7. Only one winner will get the prize?
  8. ?We are getting a new Avi so shut up with the complaints at least we are getting one who cares if it's a girl or a boy
    Suck it up, be happy your getting something and moooove on
  9. Steph he never took back his words. At least not the piece u quoted. PimD said u still get 2 pizza avatars aka the ones they had designed and "this new one"  he said one.

    Not that I'm saying I agree with ppl only ever having to get one or the other but I think ur mid reading the quote...
  10.  so you're saying, those pizza hunt males worked their asses off to win a female avatar and those prom hunt females worked their asses off to win a male avatar? Great.
  11. "This new one" is a grammar. You don't say "this new two" ??? 
  12. I like firefist-ace's first photo
  13. Yes but he could of rephrased if he meant two

    He also said "once the new avatar is complete..." As in singular
  14. @pimd can you give us a heads up on stats for the avatar or is it gonna be decided upon the winning avatar?