[CONTEST] Design you own Prom Avatar

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. [​IMG]this of course
  2. Well i got double send but :3 pls vote
  3. Well dressed and badass all in one️
  4. Ugh, I already drew a girl last night. But I also tried drawing a guy so I guess I'll just pass that one. The problem is... it should be posted here??? Not in fb?? But I still don't know how to post in a thread. T.T
  5. And I would so use it forever in pimd

    Basically me if I was a cartoon

    You all know it's gonna win
  6. Just saying not all Anime characters or drawings have big eyes on them...
  7. @Playerboy love that avi it can be like afterprom thing
  8. Your on Pimd, I'll take that challenge and try to do it
  9. Because Japanese people known with their small eyes.
  10. Because Japanese people known with their small eyes.

  11. Repost with some colours
  12. (─■°o°)─■i vote myself
  13. (╯°□°)╯ /(.□. \)
  14. Where will i vote???
  15. (─■°o°)─■Vote For Me(Page16)