[CONTEST] Design you own Prom Avatar

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. I vote for hulk
  2. Well i must say some of the submissions are really good:)…looking forward:)
    And Mr.TurtleToes…writing stupid on my wall, talking abt farming me nd pointing out my grammars, wont change the fact dat the ava you are flaunting currently, You DONT even deserve it :D
  3. lmao hulk 
  4. I know i dont. I didnt cry about the fact that i wasnt going to get avatars i knew i only wanted items with 1500 tickets. So what. Your argument is invalid. And im not even using it im onto my easter avatar you stupid little girl. Just buzz off. If ata took them away i still have my easter avatars and two paid for avatars and ec to get a new one. Please jist shut up and get off this thread because youre just whining to no end. Atleast if you could think of solutions to your problem it would be helpful but youre acting like a teo year old having a tantrum because you cant have your oen way. Buzz off.
  5. I know i dont. I didnt cry about the fact that i wasnt going to get avatars i knew i only wanted items with 1500 tickets. So what. Your argument is invalid. And im not even using it im onto my easter avatar you stupid little girl. Just buzz off. If ata took them away i still have my easter avatars and two paid for avatars and ec to get a new one. Please jist shut up and get off this thread because youre just whining to no end. Atleast if you could think of solutions to your problem it would be helpful but youre acting like a twoe yar old having a tantrum because you cant have your own way. Buzz off.
  6. http://www.tinypic.com

    ⇧ this website will help you upload your pics. Look up your pic. Go down to size and click on website so it can fit on forums. Once you are finished you hit the green button to let the website upload you pic. Copy the link that has link……[*/img].

    Come back of forums the paste it hit submit and your pic should show up.
  7. Toes if you can read :) many ppl did say a solution. Pls just stop. Now you are crying and ppl are trying to move on.
  8. Hope that the stat is higher than the premium. Because this avatar will drop in top 3000.

  9. Vote for first one or this thanks
  10. Grt job curious :)
  11. I like how some ppl said mascots is a good idea but nobody has drawn a mascot yet lol. maybe should draw it? theres an idea. id draw it but cant draw plus id rather have an emo guy.to bad cant draw
  12. Vote 4 Hulk-
  13. Ugh I wish I could draw. It would be so cool if an avi that I drew was used. :/
  14. I drew like five things the last time  they totally failed but it was fun, I didn't even try this hunt because I didn't want the Avis yet I still got them and the premium ones I don't really feel like I deserve them so I'm not using them but I do, however, agree with angel, and some others. At least the mascot thing would be cool, like how we were able to draw them last time, I drew one lol and it sucked. But that's all just my opinion and kinda late input. ? Goodnight. 