CONTEST- Cookie Decorating Contest

Discussion in 'Contests' started by Belle, Dec 6, 2020.

  1. thats really interesting, never used sour cream that way before.
  2. It's really good, you get more than enough sweetness from the icing
  3. 🥴😭 I’ma just whip out the premade cookie sheets plz
    Brenley5 likes this.
  4. Premade cookie sheets? What?
  5. 💁‍♀️You don't need that overpriced garbage. Toll house has spent billions in advertising to tell you that baking cookies is hard so you'll buy theirs. I promise it's easy and you can do it.
    Victoria, Sansa and HaBaek like this.
  6. Thank u and is this something we actually bake I suppose not just draw on a piece of paper?? Lol
  7. Agreed cuz I thought that was what this was but it isnt is it lol
  8. I need a recipe! Lol if u got a good one
  9. I may do the same lol
    HaBaek likes this.
  10. FieryCrash and Brenley5 like this.
  11. LetsGoBrandon likes this.
  12. Correct, you need to bake!
    Brenley5 likes this.
  13. How many points do I get for fudge?

  14. As long as it has some pimd relation it'll be perfect
  15. I play pimd...and I made it. Related enough to me😂
  16. Thanks for believing in me— but I’m actually just too lazy LOL
  17. I can't make a cookie 😔
  18. How do we submit?
  19. So does that confirm that it doesn't have to be a cookie as long as its baked goods?
  20. I will alter the cooking to something sweet of baked goods. If that works. Yes.
    Sansa likes this.