contest 

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *princess973 (01), Jan 15, 2011.

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  1. Blah blah blah blah blah
    Blah blah blah blah blah
    Oops c Forget to mention Blah Blah blah
    & BLAH ?

    Blah blah blah?!? ?
  2. The yellow flower floating on top of the blood stained rain puddle made me smile as you went through my mind. Standing in the middle of battle, corpses of those fallen all around me, and I was frozen. The beauty of your memory held me captive and I never wanted to escape. Nothing else mattered. For a moment, I felt I was floating as our love encompassed me. I felt only peace and a strong desire to just stand there and hold that love felt forever.
    It was at that moment I knew, without a doubt, that it didnt matter if I ever saw my love again. The love between us was already right here with me. It wasn't the physical touch I missed or even the beauty my eyes have adored. It was the love of a precious soul that trusted me to hold their heart and help it grow. It was our heart now and I held it close to me, never to let go

    Sorry so corny guys. I'm a romantic at heart. 
  3. Cubicuughxkcyfctxughchcg th hxuvhcihx hvibhvuvibi
  4. I once dreamt being chased by pirates. When they finally caught me they were trying to drown me by pushing my head into a bucket of water. Instead of dying, i learnt to breathe underwater lol. When they found out i wasn't dying they threw me into the ocean, and with my new ability i was just enjoying walking down the ocean floor ?
    To this day i still think one day ill be able to breathe underwater for real lmao
  5. Guys this contest ended in 2011
  6. When you just discover forums and post on the oldest possible thread
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