The people that prefer pvp is actually a smaller community compared to people that party (including the low stat players) I'm in between and didn't even take part in this survey ?
Actually that's exactly how it works... if pimd has an average of 50,000 daily active users and only 3,616 took your survey that's only 7.2%. Yet we keep being told that those on forums are only a small percentage of pimd... seems to me your survey is only taking in to consideration a small percentage aswell...
The survey is a sample size of all players of the game since it's visible to ALL types of players. The forums are not a sample size of the game, as not all players use the forums. In fact, most do not. Using sample sizes is necessary with polling large groups, and is generally considered to provide valid information provided a large enough sample size.
i agree with this person. ..and i didn't get a chance to do the survey i wasn't on at the time. ..with that being said you monkeys should redo the survey so everyone can get a chance to do it
It is virtually impossible to poll every single user on this app no matter where they made the survey available. Do not be bashing Grant or ATA for not being able to do so. I work on a scientific research team myself and while we always want as big of sample size as we can get, it still won't represent everyone. No matter what you do, you can not represent every single person in a study, but you can start to get a generic idea of the community's opinion towards a topic. This survey didn't claim to be a 100% accurate representation of the community views, it just public shared the results of the feedback they received from those who took the survey. We need to look at this as ATA trying to improve aspects of their application and not the way many of you are looking at it. If any of you didn't get to share your feedback, you can always email with suggestions or send a feedback message.
The survey was made available to every player in the game through the start up notice. Whether or not the survey was answered was up to each player to decide.
This isnt actually true On androids if you hadn't opened the app since before a startup notice introduced before the survey (e.g. one of the hunt banners), you would need to force close the app for each startup notice until you got to the survey. I noticed on one of my less active alts there were 4-5 start up messages that needed to be cleared in this way. This could introduce a bias, if say pvp players are less likely to be active while a party based event is on (which there was) and not realise there was a survey
Why not post an Announcement on WC for the one day you're taking survey submissions, telling people to come to forums to take part?
Better yet, a pm from pimd telling them they should of seen a survey upon startup. Then less active players who only come on every few days and very active players who never fully close the app would see it.