Community Feedback Survey

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Oct 4, 2016.

  1. Cat winners no free cats for you??
  2. Cat winners won't be random it will b the whose who
  3. Same problem
  6. 100000998656134
  7. I hate all of you with every fiber in my being 
  8. What's up with those idiots ^
  9. Whahwhhawhwh
  10. It's just the account bots lol.
  11. I wanna get more ecs
  12. I was shown the survey once on my alt but once opened, didn't load and when I went back I couldn't do it again.
  13. I highly doubt those are the real results. But you made it look like it's above average so we would think that people have no issues with the game and only prefer parties. Then again when we always ask questions you always skip past those and substitute with another answer. So what was the survey for again? ?
  14. 
    Nuff said
  17. I hope so too
  18. Spoiler alert.. they wont