[COMING SOON] Official Trading System

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Apr 6, 2017.

  1. No you can send 10 boxes at the same time. And 12 unique items. It means that you can send 12 different items at the same time. And you choose quantity of every item.
  2. Support! Scammers can still scam with cats though so not all scammers will be out of business. People just need to be careful.
  3. So does that mean players will no longer to scam?
  4. Truer words never spoken. The trading system doesn't handle any sort of agreement outside of tradeable items. So anything related to Cats, Kinis, DVP, or anything else is all at your own risk. You'll also have to be careful about which items your trading partner adds to the trade. They can still try and be sneaky.

    You can do that!

    You can do that!

  5. Yaaaaayyyyy
    I've seen a lot of improvements in the last few updates and it has made gameplay a lot better.  Quit complaining people, and give credit when it's due.
  7. Finally!

    Other than having to add ppl ?... it's pretty dope
  8. finally got some time for innocent ppl. thank you ata
  9. It took you two scammers and a half to finally do this.. But glad its happening
  10. SHOOK
  11. You finally heard us  this is something I should be thankful for.. I tried getting you into this a lot. ?
  12. Ok I didnt read everything.. someone will still be scammed. This system is pretty useless without the kini and cat.. SMH
  13. Ok fine it will be kind of useful.. but will still havr people scammed.. ??
  14. Nothing in this world is perfect bruh…
  15. ^ so dont trade cats and kinis then lmao. they aren't meant to be traded, thats your own fault as a dropper if you're dumb enough not to know who's an obvious scammer ??
  16. How supposed to do if ur not friend??
  17. Is this is the real life
  18. Not bad lol. Looking forward to it
  19. Can silenced people trade? Not sure if its been asked yet 