[COMING SOON] Official Trading System

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Apr 6, 2017.

  1. When released , 40% of pimd community (made of up scammers) gonna quit
  3. This sounds awesome. Good that we can send multiple of an items too. 
  4. Yaaay finally.  I'm excited a tiny bit.
  5. Tickle my toes
  6. Thank you for making trading safer 
  7. No support tbh. I don't scam, but I like good ok fashioned trading
  8. No support lame idea
  9. Scammers gonna be out of business now 
  10. aye! nice :D
  11. Yes now we cannot get scammed yes yes yes !!!
  12. Thanks u pimd!!!!!
  13. Let us all hope that it will not turn like the super pros. :lol:
  14. Scammers will always find a way.
  15. So will this work as like a way for spamming gifts? Cause say I want to sell a squash for 50 bentos will the trading system be able to reach the quantity of 50 or will the max be 10?
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  16. Yay! Finally. Au revoir, scammers.
  17. So what if i wanna more than one item !! o_O
  18. I never thought this day with come lol. Sounds great 
  19. So if we have deal 1 bento for 10 boxes, we can only send 1 bento with 1 box at same time and the rest 9 boxes will be send as gifts? ? the example is only 1:1 trade ?