[COMING SOON] A Brand New Look!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 13, 2015.

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  2. There was one already
    Pimd won
  3. Lols dear lord, how long does it take you to hit a button 20-30 times in a row, a few hours? ?
  4. This is more childish ugliness. This isnt a more modern look, unless youre into watching cartoons and coloring. Nor is it an upgrade. Moving things around, bringing in a cartoon feel, and not working on features or options that players have asked for shows that ata does not truely care for its customers. If you had to put out a new look, why not make it more mature... It is a college themed game after all.
    This statement is false. The point of the ads is to generate revenue. Dont get it twisted and treat us like 13 year old children who dont know the difference.
    Its funny you say "as they often requested". How many times have players requested pvp insentive, mass gifting, or mass unfollowing?

  5. Have all the petitions you want. Ata doesn't care enough to listen to the community
  6. I hope this is a NOT coming soon
    But listening to the voice of the "vocal" part was never on the ape's bucket list
  7. I couldn't agree more.  This layout looks extremely childish and there is nothing appealing about it IMO, besides giving 10 year olds more of a reason to try it out. You sure as heck are making it easy for old players to want nothing to do with this game anymore.
  9. No battle button
  11. Meet people? This is now a 13+ app, not a dating site. ?
  12. No support

    Stop changing things that don't need to be changed
    Address to all the current problems first will you...damn it
  13. ? ALL OF THIS!
  14. She's still so bitter lol lol lol
  15. I'm a bit apprehensive about rhe new layput, it looks kind of childish, but it might be cool. (But then again, last time they tried to change things with the prize spinner...)

    Also, how do you get to forums? Is it the People button on the bottom or the Meet people button?
  16. ay ay spiny ? true that
  17. It does look a bit round and idk
  18. Im sure it makes the game slow..and laggy..
  19. Could you please add the ability to send multiple gifts at one time to someone? Especially with high max amounts, this has become an increasingly annoying peeve of mine.
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