[COMING SOON] A Brand New Look!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 13, 2015.

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  1. Meanwhile,,, we still don't have a feature that allows us to send multiple gifts at once.....still can't unfollow multiple players at once....

    Wooohoooo to more lag!!!!
  2. Your choice to read or leave the thread. However I'm going to voice my opinion whether you like it or not.
  3. aaaaand more old players quitting soon
  4. Their new targets are children with their parents credit card attached to their account 
  5. very child friendly of you ATA ???
  6. Spot on ?
  7. ? I'm so lost using it can we have a tour guide for it
  8. I'm diggin'it.
  9. Why the hell am I not a beta tester. Meany pants
  10. Wow... Pimd is changing
  11. How about you change where people ask for rp to get silenced instead of changing the layout. Do something that will actually make the game better for once

  12. get back to war
  13. I would have rather seen the issues that are already here be addressed. So many ios users have complained for as long and probably longer than I have played, and as yet those issues remain ignored. Droid users have asked for collapable showcases (as opening our profile causes force closing due to all the crap there) and again that is yet to be addressed.

    People ask, plead and beg for PvP incentives... Yet nothing. People cry out for wars, again nothing. Instead we get a lowered age limit, a spinner (where if youre lucky you get.... Cash), an overkilling of hunts, and now a childish revamp of the look. That is just to name a few.

    You claim you listen to the community, but you don't seem to take any of the amazing ideas or needs for improvements that are suggested by the community and supported by the community. Which in turn tells us you don't care what we as the majority of the community wants and/or needs.

    This is one update I will do with out.
  14.  I love this!
    The designs are getting too childish at least the colors on kaw looks very mature
  15. Lol yeah no it looks stupid. The way things are now are okay. New layout is pointless without any new features that players have been making countless threads about.
  16. It looks. Ok.
  17. Do your parents know you play this game?
  18. Can we have a petition or something? ?
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