[COMING SOON] A Brand New Look!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 13, 2015.

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  1. Wow.... so battle button gone
  2. This is literally horrible.
  3. It's now an angry red face ?
  4. ?I'm guessing you want this in the guide to pimd when this comes to ALL players? Or shall I just add it in there anyways ??

    ?you guys always add stuff when I'm updating my guide.
  6. The format looks extremely childish with big bubbly letters, bright colors, and "happy faces". The severely contrasting colors hurt my eyes.

    I'm all for updates by why make everything look so childish? ?
  7. Exactly ??️
  8. ...so how many times are they gonna change the things that dont need to be changed...
  9. How does this look like KaW?
  10. Amen ?
  11. I think it's to appeal to the 13 year olds. ?
    Jennnnnnnn! 
  12. Ata please listen to the peoples of pimd
    Heres an idea..
    Make a thread with user designs from pimders.

    Best one gets a catlet the people choose.
    Use your voting system again
  14. I don't really..support the new follow button and Battle button :( I'm fine with it all but that :D
  15. Why not keep the current template but update the design to fit the spinner? Too much change can be a bad thing ?
  16. I don't know how to feel about this ..
  17. Haha no.... I feel that this is too cartoonish in away but I guess we can try this out
  18. In the bottom bar everything is layed out up front, the bottons are getting way too specific and yet complex, etc... in kaw you press a button and you see what is there, in PIMD its usually a chain of things with multiple choices... Doesn't take much space and you find what you are looking for in just a few buttons... Honestly, it could be better layed out. 
  19. so you waste your time doing this and we all still sit here waiting for beta wars and a quanity gift addition, that is quite frankly wayyyy easier to add than a whole new layout (which sucks miserably)
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