[COMING SOON] A Brand New Look!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 13, 2015.

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  1. Can we not have the angry or happy face for fight or follow please? It looks pretty childish. At least put the words fight or follow there.
  2. Yup.. Thats it.. I give up on this game, I'm done. 
  3. Hello
    I guess we'll get used to the layout so thanks for taking time to design it.
    However I do agree with Jen (RoamingGnome) about the multiple gifts. I also disagree with the angry face. What you are doing is showing that we only hit people when we are "angry" but often people tend to do it for money. Please do consider these thoughts and perhaps also change it a little. PVP is still part of the game for many players and I'm sure they would appreciate it
  4. Support
  5. What's wrong with how it is now?
  6. 'Meet people' after the relationship rubbish we now get 'meet people'? And you call this an improvement?
  7. No no no no no no no
  8. The new update makes it look like a dating app for 10 year olds ?️
  9. Thing is, whatever we say there will be a bunch of suck up mod/honour student wannabe beta testers telling them that every change they make is awesome so that they keep their chances up.

    Remember the relationship stuff? When it was first suggested, everyone said no don't do it. When it was brought out, everyone said for the love of god get rid of it. Their own mods quit along with a load of old players. Forums was full of people who never came to forums saying how much they hated it. Ata's response: well forums are a small number of people so it doesn't count. We have stats (from where, who knows) that says it's really popular.

    They'll do the same thing again and ignore any feedback which is against anything they want to implement. This is ata remember. Only feedback along the lines of what they want to do is correct feedback.
  10. SUPPORT!!
  11. It's just Beta chill
  12. If we give PIMD a 1-star rating at playstore and appstore, will the devs listen to community?
  13. I have to wonder what goes through your worker's minds when designing or pitching in for new ideas/concepts/designs Is it more of a "Buzzfeed" mentality wherein it's what's "cool" and "hip" or "meme worthy" at the time? Is it interns? Because if so, I'm highly disappointed at the generic-ness and mediocrity of ideas that have been coming up recently....

    Which leads me to agree with a vast majority of players that are saying you're ONLY catering to a very detrimental set population with certain updates and disregarding the initial backdrop of this game: CLUB WARS (which have become painstakingly obsolete since god knows when).

    I personally like the avatars, because it adds variety and I'm always one to go for creativity (and I also like the spinner! Makes it exciting) but seriously ATA, get yourselves together. Whatever happened to the innovative ideas you guys initially had at the start of the game? What happened to the awesomely fresh ideas like KAW and Gangs at War? Now it's all just fluffy cats and riding on the back of washed out memes that have lost their originality years ago?

    The new update for me is 0 stars? Everything is terrible. The colors clash, the position of everything is very kiddy-like, and that opens up a brand new can of worms that you're ignoring, which is strangely bizzarre coming from a supposed emulated startup that was featured in news articles? Furthermore, I bet you guys are cackling at the frustration and making jokes about how "whiny" players are, but it's really not that hard to take into consideration a lot of variables that could be beneficial for both your company and the players........Just sayin'?️
  14. Yea 'just beta'...like the relation thing was...look at it now
  15. Really who cares? if you like it, play it , if not , then dont, Ata is just updating and making the game alive for those who wants to spend rl money or those who dont. It's your choice.
  16. Meet people?  da fridge is this pof? smdh
  17. Y'all are so immature sometimes. ️ if you don't like it, why comment?
  18. We want our opinions to be heard and let them know what we want them to do. Then again, they usually don't listen.
  19. :lol: What kels said exactly
  20. Well, if you knew they don't listen, why bother commenting anyways?

    Just chiiiilll...

    P.S That chat feed with the "MURICA" post is making me lol.
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