[COMING SOON] A Brand New Look!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 13, 2015.

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  1. I'm gonna farm the piss out of people since you clearly want to make this game less fight oriented. I will not comply with your new interface and I will tell every victim why I'm murdering their account. I am sick to my stomach with what you've done to this game. I am one of your most loyal players. I will soon reach my fifth year and I am starting to question why I'm still here.

  2. pretty much
  3. :shock: Ok...

  4. Ditto
  5. I'm guessing the Bell is for "notifications" (news) and the 2 people isn't something new (wall posts, friend list, private messages, and gifts)
  6. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....

    Maybe this will be good? Think about it... Just think about the future ?
  7. Noooo.. I can play in my sleep.
    If you change it I have to learn all over
  8. No, just no ?
  9. Is the minimum age for playing this coming down also with this update?
    Coz it clearly looks kiddish AF( not to mention stupid)

    If u ppl wanna do something useful, put in an update to send multiple gifts, clear the wall completely,increase PvP and party payout and for heavens sake change that aweful cat cafe party!! How much longer do we have to bear doing the same party over n over n over......

    So finally instead of wasting time changing the way this game looks, put in something that makes the game worth wasting my time
  10. interesting.. 
  11. This update literally makes PIMD look so generic. Y'all make so much money off of players buying everything from you and you make the game look like it's just starting off? :lol:
    Guess you want it more kid friendly, eh?
  12. You should add the feature that makes you be able to send more than one gift. 
  13. Ehehehe Batt life 69%... EHEHEHEHE
  14. Adding a ton of stuff no one wants but nothing that we asked for.
    Mass gifting button?
    An easier way to unfollow people?

    Guess it's easier to just make things brighter for the kiddos.
  15. If it ain't broken don't fix it!
  16. Maybe ATA should change the ToU so that only people who are 13 and younger can play  players who need mummy's credit card to fund these updates
  17. How hard will it be to see if your club is throwing a party now? Before this update it was plain as day, now it's crushed into a tiny square. I enjoy the free money from the spinner, even if I don't get much, but at least increase he size of the club party button.
  18. Your bluetooth is on, btw... Maybe that's why your batt life is at 69%.
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