[COMING SOON] A Brand New Look!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 13, 2015.

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  1. Wait can we farm people though?

    This looks so tacky....
  2. I know one think for sure. I will not be updating...
  3. Could be... But now it says your name, but also profile underneath... There's plenty of room to do the same thing. Good design should be obvious, and that clearly isn't.
  4. When marketing a new product or idea, the main focus is always toward a set target audience.

    The purple color scheme is aimed at more female players and younger people.

    The smily and sad faces are pretty much just for kids.

    The "Meet People" button is aimed towards the role players, because meeting people contradicts with hitting them. The way is set up is exactly like a dating app, you go to meet people, then you either like or dislike them. If you like them/follow and they like back, then you a are able to chat and rp.

    I could evaluate other things, like the rs update, but I know ata is already aware of all this and simply pays a blind eye to concerns.

    I hope since this is not yet finalized you take a poll based on the reactions of the players to this thread, which actually gives me an idea,

    Since you apes want to be so much like other apps, how about creating a voting thread? You simply install a thumbs up and thumbs down button, where if players support an idea, they vote without the use of all this verbal preaching.

    And if a player has a good idea you like, like the spinner, you move it to the thread before jumping into it, and letting the players decide. Its simple and effective.

    Also, if the game is now downgrading to 13 yr olds, shouldn't you remove a few gift,avis, and phrases their parents wouldn't want them viewing? Cause most things we're acceptable when the game was 17+ and college themed, now those same things would be provocative.

    And I have yet to see a 13 year old child in college.

    Also have you noticed the absence of a lot of players in club chat? Expecially in VIP clubs? There are now less active players, yet more new players who can't grow without the help of pros. The reason people like me gave this game 3 years, or even 4 years was because of the challenge, and it was unique, ewe had wars back then, but now I doupt there is anything to make new players stay for even a month.
  6. Sooo how exactly is the chat part different?
  7. quantity gifting?
  8. Please no it's already ruined ?
  9. Hmm... don't like it.... looks like another step down
  10. Pimd officially lost they mind and probably players that spend alot of money just to make it kid friendly :-C hope them 13 yr olds have credit cards :-D
  11. Don't fix it if it isn't broken?
  12. They breaking it even more :[

  13. You click on your username or your avatar.
    (I would know because I am testing it out)
  14. Oh.. It's not THAT bad
  15. The new look is stupid as Justin bieber and Nicki minaj.... Aweful theme.... Angry face for battle... Are u for serious ????!?!

  16. Well ... Honestly they are making fun of 99% of the PimD population with that
  17. I like the colorful buttons though, don't change that ?
  18. No pimd, no! These colors give me a headache . I can't stare at this screen for hours and hours anymore. It reminds me of Candy Crush with the bright bubbles, it's hard to read. And that meeting people button? Lame, this is not a dating site.
  19. Its meh. People will get annoyed at change like usual. Can someone please tell me why there is a follow button on the players list? That's not how we have made friends on here at all. But whatever.
  20. I'm in the screenshots woo! I'm famous ???????
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