[COMING SOON] A Brand New Look!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 13, 2015.

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  1. Looks amazing omg
  2. Pick out the twelvies
  3. Omg I'm dieing of laughter! A frowny angry face to battle some one, that kills me. It's a prep for them to say hitting someone is cyber bullying. Ahahahaha.
  4. Oh, how...unique.
  5. Hmm.... Cool ?
  6. With this UI update all minors will be able to say their age to make it even more comfortable for them or nah? ?

    The term "farming" will only wither away as everyone will be mad facing each other....

    Fact is unless an actual pimd user pays ATA billions they won't fully acknowledge the user request/needs because if it makes them profit who cares if they lose long term users....? Personally I've been here since the first year pimd came out on multi accounts but not gonna leave over a "bring your child to work day" gone horribly wrong.....not everyone likes the update(s) but most will still be here daily in the end ?
  7. Dis you get permission from mommy and daddy to play this game?
  8. How many times do I have to tell you people that a bunch asked for the damn spinner or daily free gifts? Several made threads over it. Go check them out.
  9. ? I'm going to mad face you so hard... Or..
    ?Hit me up with those smiles <- instead of asking for followers
  10. That quote set up gave me anxiety
  12. So in this new update are you gonna give us the feature to be able to choose to send more than one gift at a time? It'll make pimd life so much damn easier. And I for one will have some restored faith in the darn game if you did this. Just saying. Even if the Max is sending 10 at a time at least then your ridiculous maxes will be easily met. Just saying...
  13. :lol: 

  15. Pimd c said a few pages back that is not in their plans anytime soon.
  16. Spilt the beans 
  17. Dat meet people button doe 
  18. Oh lol I don't read all the pages anymore. Like I've said in other threads I'm pretty much losing interest in this game. So the longer they ignore us the more I will stop playing. Simple. Yeah one player is no loss. But still I used to be so addicted to this game staying up Max 3 days in a row for hunts? Now couldn't give two poops. I pop on ul and that's it for 3-7 hours.
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