Idk what the fight was over. She looks super unstable because of thr fight. But she doesn't get jealous at the end and actually has faith in his new relationship? ?Just confused by the technicalities. I think maybe it's meant to be general enough to be relatable, but maybe a more specific/detailed/realistic situation would be better?? Still appreciate the thread and related to how bad ghosting can be when open communication is better. Girls will tend to just completely shut down communication and let their insecurities/assumptions run wild in their mind when they have nothing to worry about. A few months is long enough to move on from an unstable crybaby who doesn't care enough about her partner to listen. Call him a ho if it'd been a few days or weeks, or if he did anything wrong, or if the relationship ended with any incentive to continue it. Chances are, she'd overreact like that again and end it, and honestly it's emotionally distressing to the guy to be ghosted like that. He probably won't say anything because it might make things worse, and because she probably made it clear that she didn't want to hear from him. It is for the best that she not torture him anymore, I agree :evil:
A man isn't a hoe for moving on from a bitch who ghosted on him. If the roles were reversed, you wouldn't call her a hoe. Maybe you're trolling, idk