Color writing is possible

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Striker-, Sep 18, 2011.

  1. Italics
  3. [qoute"CyBeR_x_ANARCHY"]testing yet again[/quote]
  4. Damn. At least I got a box
  5. I have the bestest post here.... hahah
  6. How you do that font lol
  7. I know how to do all the bb codes.
  8. Tell me pm pay
  9. Rainbow yay I did it?
  10. Take 2: will this work? How do I Find the code? Is this rainbow?
  11. Can Any Of You do those three colors?
  12. Rawr!

    Did it work? 
  13. Rainbow text is gotten by following a certain's so smooth that letter can have up to 3 colorsbin them the colors flow.
  14. I love writing in different colors heheh