Color writing is possible

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Striker-, Sep 18, 2011.

  1. Yah, You Are Slow Homie! And since when do you go on the forums?
  2. Colour writing? Which most people worked out ages ago
  3. I C U P Funny Colours
  4. This is my rainbow! :P Looks like a unicorn

  5. What website is rainbow
  6. The website is:
  7. Wow


    I know




    Yay I can do everything
  8. This is what the rainbow looks like from that site. :)
  9. I can do quotes! 

  10.  MAKES ME MAD!

  11. How do you do the big letters!!?
  12. can you show me how to do quotes?
  13. how do u make it big and do quotes and do rainbow????
  14. I love color but it's the only thing that I can do
  15. I can do both 