Collaboration threads. 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheSagittarian, Jan 11, 2014.

  1. I don't, actually.

  2. You missed the pics
  3. I did not missed the pics you never sent them in the first place
  4. I put one in a thread a did awhile ago
  5. I did not see so it did not happen
  6. Other people saw it so it did happen
  7. Justin 

    You and dawn have to see my Appreciation thread
  8. sounds interesting, good luck! 
  9. Wyatt  Dawn 
  10. I just remembered something.

    Have you ever finished that knight in muddy armour thing with the other Justin, Wyatt? XD (Ireland)
  11. WYATT.

    Check that thing we use for talking purposes
  12. I can't. My Internet is down.
  13. Oh well. I have Abusive-Pope on another social media website and shown him the appreciation thread.

    He's added you on that other thing I mentioned above.
  14. Hopefully it'll be up later today