Coke Vs Pepsi

Discussion in 'Wars' started by sileeka, Jul 8, 2013.

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  1. So we warring? 
  2. ill proudly war for coke
  3. And I will be there with ya tweak 
  4. I'll help make the clubs of we're warring. ? #TeamPepsi.
  5. ??? Fail! If*
  6. Nice  Im not hosting though 
    Team coke 
  7. Dr pepper will sf both clubs during war
  8. Dr pepper has nothing to do with this forum.
  9. sweet tea
  10. We'll have to schedule this 
  12. That was a joke miggles. Shaddup
  13. Woah o.o I thought we were warring over which company is best


    Pepsi products or Coke products

    Which includes all sodas made by both companies o.o
  14. I can take a joke dude  and this is my forum so you cant tell me to shut up.
  15. Both soda are .

    It's destroying your insides...

    With these sodas you can clean your BBQ

    I beleive also that it can also destroy the skin of the egg after 1 year in the soda and it's the same characteristic as your tooth so it destroys your mouth :)

    Sorry for my bad english voc. It's not my first language!
  16. Is dr pepper a coke product? I'm pretty sure it's not Pepsi.
  17. #FactsThatNoOneCaresAbout

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