Club war league

Discussion in 'Wars' started by TheLustyMonk2, Mar 18, 2016.

  1. Your presence in the thread says it all
  2. Is this actually a club vs club e.g. only club members allowed to participate?
  3. Clubs are allowed to get mercs, but one player can merc in just one club throughout tournament
  4. Do clubs war anymore? Most seem to interested in cat parties and hunts ?
  5. Well its an attempt
  6. It's funny how there's a whole thread of people begging for iwars, yet here is someone who is organizing something similar to iwars and nobody is anywhere to be found. Smh.
  7. Might as well organize a party league. Two clubs start a party at the same time and whoever finishes first wins :|
  8. Lol
  9. Btw, iconic is available to join the tournament. Keep in touch with either Lazarus or his rs jillface
  10. Could you tell the owner to pm me? I'll have to make a GC with all owners
  11. Oh and thanks harmony
  12. ICONIC is in but I recommend doing 6 hour wars not 4.
  13. Point noted