Hi I'm la . BTB has broke cf 2x with FAM . You r the # 1 top VIP war club and acting like you didn't understand the cf terms . FAM has helped members grow in the club and teach members the right way to war . You know how to contact us . Plz stop bad mouthing FAM now on a forum . That was one of the cf rules we asked for . Thank you contact us anytime La is not a bully
If your so good at farming FAM then figure out time zones yourself This is my last comment bc your all boring me now?️peace
So, let's play a game of war. And on a daily basis, we say... Are u ready to cf yet? If not, no worries. If yes, then let's talk. Its that easy. No need to bad mouth, no need to be upset
My advice to you is to keep ceasefire and don't break it. You brought in a friend and negotiator, and they also said you broke cf, and need to follow it. It is u that refuses
And we are a fair club, we follow by the war rules. And all u had to do was follow cf and we would have been done
Cf was for her not to bad mouth us... She could shut her mouth.no dropped stats no gifts. No break rs and no forum post...bump... And that cf was in December btw. ss the new one you broke.
And the opportunity is still there for you, or not. Its ur choice. BUT, keep in mind, each time you break cf, the consequences get bigger
If your ready to take cf we can talk, BUT, the game is... You have to follow through with it. That is part of the game. If u don't, it defeats the purpose and we are at square 1.
What was all the cf terms and how did they break it? Also how did you find out about this "bad mouthing" and what was said that counted as "bad mouthing"?
Thank you Angel ? they have no proof with my mouth saying things. Also cf is on my wall and again you have no proof it was broken again... This is why when a cf is to be done u will contact me and i will be drawing the cf up.