Club members trolling forums

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by xoxoMamaMyz, May 20, 2019.

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  1. And it's not from forum minus X everyone's been respectful
  2. I’ll deal with X later just let me know who threatened you
  3. Ok so thanks y'all . Hope you guys have an awesome week.
  4. I am confused
  5. Same here tbh but glad he's not trying to farm me for having to kick him
  6. Yeah, I did. Because if one of my club members acted like you were, I'd toss them too. How could I expect a club member who has issues with women to actually respect anything I said as President? I have no issues with you knowing it was me. I also reported some of your messages because you crossed lines. However I didn't report any of your responses to me because I didn't care about those. You act like I have an issue with you knowing it was me and I truly don't care. I deal with guys like you on a daily basis. I don't get mad. I pity you. End of story. So you can quit acting like a victim. You brought it on yourself.
  7. Why do you pity me? I would not pee on you if you were on fire. If I acted like this to men you would keep your big fat mouth shut
  8. And I do act like this to everybody but since it women you already think you’re untouchable
  9. Actually no. I think acting like that to anyone, regardless of gender, shows an unstable person who desperately requires attention because he has nothing else going for him.

    And I pity you because it's obvious that all that gum flapping is a sad attempt to try and make up for your (very) short comings.
  10. Trust me I’m far from an attention seeker: everybody else seeks MY attention. You got it all wrong. You probably think I don’t like women cuz of a bad breakup. Nah it’s because they’re needy little idiots and all logic go out the window when they need attention
  11. And Taewyn I would make you cry yourself to sleep if we ever met IRL. Do yourself a favor and quit pretending to be strong.
  12. Then I really hope you're gay or asexual. Otherwise you're also a giant hypocrite.
  13. This guy tho
  14. Hey guy, give it up. You’re just making yourself look worse. You already got yourself kicked from your club. You can deny whatever you want but you got problems and it ain’t this girl talking to you.
  15. Can we get this thread locked or something? No one cares about this lame idiot
  16. No one wants your gross ass pıss anyway
  17. This 
  18. Derailed. ??‍♀️ Locking.
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