UPDATE [CLOSED] Moderator Applications 2021

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Will, Jul 23, 2021.

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  1. Goodluck y'all 🥳🥳
  2. Same here
  3. Well not anyone 👀 there’s age, account age, and silencing track record requirements
    HisLastCookie, Growl, Muschi and 2 others like this.
  4. Aww yay I’ve been waiting. Unfortunately in the wrong part of the world and only speak English 😂 but it’s worth a shot. 💙Good luck to everyone who applies💙 I love you all🥰
  5. If you are having trouble sending at ticket. Reinstall the app and it should resolve. :)
    Muschi, Intoxication and Day like this.
  6. Part of us doing the Application this way in game, is that we won't need you to give us your IGN.

    So don't worry we still got it. :D
  7. You can complete it again as long as you didnt hit the dont show again button it will show up in 24 hours.
    Muschi, Intoxication and Day like this.
  8. Goodluck to everyone applying! Hope to see you on the other side 😉💚
    jacesushi and Bee like this.
  9. Hello I am here once again to apply for the position of anti-mod. If appointed, I will continue my long standing tradition of hitting any mods in my hit range, calling all mods kiss asses and losers, and reminding everyone that they are slaves whom work for free.
    Muschi likes this.
  10. We appreciate your dedication, thank you.
    ATA-Will, Candace404, Muschi and 3 others like this.
  11. Applied 💕 fingers crossed now lol 🤞🏻
  12. Thank you ass kisser
    Muschi and Day like this.
  13. You want more applications to read?
  14. So where will you get the answer from?
  15. Then where will I get the answer from?
  16. not yours 🗿
  17. Good luck to everyone who decide to apply. Also you can still help the community without any official recognition (blue for HS) or Mod (green). Many do step up to help in the campus chat and are not necessarily active in forums ☺️.
  18. O I kno
    Technically anyone CAN apply tho, doesn’t mean they’d get it 🌚
    Intoxication likes this.
  19. How can I apply
  20. I’ve been playing since 2011, and I know many languages, even most of the ones you listed, I would love to be a moderator!
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