UPDATE [CLOSED] Moderator Applications 2021

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATA-Will, Jul 23, 2021.

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  1. You can still apply. Chances are just greater if you're in the preferred time zones because that's the coverage that is more needed right now.
    Shinobu, Azari, GoddessHailey and 3 others like this.
  2. It says on the thread. Wait for a pop-up when you open the app. If you closed it it'll show up again every 24 hours until applications close.
    Shinobu and Azari like this.
  3. Too bad I I used to be a bad bean lol I fit into trouble 4 times 😊😊😊😊 , lol I wanna get a blue tag however one day
  4. I accidentally clicked don't show pop up again 🥺 does this mean I can't apply anymore 🥺🥺
  5. You can send a help ticket
    Shinobu, -0din- and Muschi like this.
  6. My game crashed mid survey and now I can’t complete it. Hopefully I can try again tomorrow
  7. I'm not particularly a fan of the application being a pop-up or the gameplay questions having been multiple choice. I think it was a strange way to do it, but I'm sure the devs have their reasoning behind doing it this way.

    Regardless, I applied. 😉
    Azari, Polite, jacesushi and 6 others like this.
  8. Thanks ❤️
  9. Best of luck to everyone who applies💚
    Campus, Shinobu, Azari and 4 others like this.
  10. Me too, is there a way to make it show again?
    Twee likes this.
  11. It says, invalid session if I try to send a ticket and I can't send it, is there a way out?
  12. I applied… But accidentally clicked “Ok” on one of the questions, not finishing what I was typing..😭😂
  13. Clear your app cache and try again. You can also try uninstalling/reinstalling
    Shinobu, Famous, Muschi and 2 others like this.
  14. You can scroll back up, the "ok" button just scrolls down for you
    Shinobu, Famous and Muschi like this.
  15. Best of luck to everyone applying 🥰💚
    Joy likes this.
  16. I also find backing out of the app and going back in helps. I always copy what I'm sending to Help Tickets just in case, and often I need to refresh the app. Hope you got it working 😊
    jacesushi, Twee, Muschi and 1 other person like this.
  17. Hope I get picked good luck to all ❤️
  18. Good luck to all of you applying ❤️
    ll___IMMORTAL___ll likes this.
  19. Good luck 😩 est open up someday
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