Close to Quitting

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ---IllIV-Master_Yoda-VlIlI---, Sep 28, 2011.

  1. Ivy! Threesome.... And a movie. 

  2. WTF 

    Sad,sad,sad, panda  Of excitement , sad, sad. So random lol.

    Anyways thanks Mitch, I freaking love u, and really am so glad I met u! U are so sweet and that just proves it.

    Thanks to everyone else who said some things on here. Just has been this way for a while, only so much I can handle. I will however still be on to say goodbyes, check in to say hi. I won't just drop my friends, but may be weeks before I come back to say anything.  y'all so much!!
  3. Lance  My decision to leave has nothing to do with the mods. I happen to like the mods, or at least the ones I have met.
  4. What about Mr. Block?
  5. Kayla. I'm serious bout that double date  im going there next month remember?? Gunna try to attempt nit to lose more than $300 on poker. 
  6. As far as I know BigBlock is staying...hasn't really said much to me so I don't know.
  7. Yes I remember lol. I'm down!!! :D
  8. AwhI love ya hun
  9. I just met u!!! But I do wish you luck in all you do!! Take carec
  10. I'm down too! 
  11. pimd is a stress filled environment u can often ask ur self how can I get volleyed "who's gonna buy my tutors" and the classic If somebodies find out I have money will they Super farm like I'm an inactive
  12. and don't get me started on the rude people on forums
  13. Lol quick. It's a bit more complicated then that but thanks for looking out 

    Yay Ivy 