Because you make nice posts all the time that pertain to the topic... I merely commented. As we are all allowed to do.
Unlike you, I'm not an mod. Therefore, I don't need to respect all players. You on the other hand, should. If you thought corns thread was "crap" you didn't have to say it. Instead, you could've posted something a little more mature like: "maybe think of a cool topic to post next time to eliminate the crap in forums that could get a lot of people interested! Like science!"
Lmfao just cuz she's a mod doesn't mean she has to act any certain way She does it cuz she is an amazingly sweet person.
Maybe I was supporting it? Ever think of that? Don't be so negative my dear... Pointless thread is pointless!
Everyone should respect each other because we are all human. "Treat others the way you expect to be treated." Excerpt from every single kindergarten class ever
All comments are positive comments. Therefore I shall shower everyone with positive things: J31- Thanks for helping me a while back ago when I was double forum banned. Pickles- I love pickles Jax- I like the way you say scud. Danny- Your overly hairy legs look amazing.